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List of changes
In place of a help


DiffWord is a software that show you change made to a text document, given an 'old' and a 'new' version of this document. Here is a example of output produced by DiffWord. I mainly use it when I need to review multiple versions of a text (think fanfic C&C).



DiffWord follows the Gnu Public License .


DiffWord v1.1 binary (necessary Java Extension included).
DiffWord v1.1 source

DiffWord v1.0 binary (necessary Java Extension included).
DiffWord v1.0 source


I have only made a boostrap for Windows as it is the only operating system I have experience running java on.
  1. Unzip DiffWord binary in a directory.
  2. Execute the file check-java-version.bat which can be found in that directory. If the version number is less than 1.2 or if you get a message indicating the the command 'java' is not recognized, you need to install  the Java Run-time Environment, which can be downloaded here. Execute the file again to check your installation.
  3. Run the file named diffword.bat found that directory. You use this file to run DiffWord. The file java-version.bat can be run to check what version of Java you have.

To check what version of java you have: open a DOS command line window, and type "java -version", then press return. You should see what version you

Known bugs

Future plans

Any idea is welcome .

List of changes

None at that time.

In place of a help